Women of the Bible

Journey Through the Lives of These Mighty Women

Esther Part I

Introduction: Only two books in the Bible – Esther and Ruth – are named for women.  These inspiring books tell the stories of two young women whose lives played an important role in Israel’s history.  In this study, we will look at the book of Ester. Since Aglow’s inception, it has received many prophecies declaring…

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Esther Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, Esther-Part 1, we learned how Esther became queen of the most powerful ruler of this era and how the deeds of one evil man almost resulted in the annihilation of the Jews in the Persian Empire.  In Part 2 we will see how two Jews, Mordecai and…

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Mary Magdalene, Truth and Fiction Part I

Introduction: The novel, The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown has provoked an outpouring of emotion; everything from fascination with “new ideas” about Jesus’ life to anger over the falsifying of biblical truth.  Although the author admits his book is fiction, his ideas, nevertheless, have gripped many readers bringing confusion and even acceptance for those not grounded in…

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Mary Magdalene, Truth and Fiction Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at what the Bible says about Mary’ Magdalene’s relationship with Jesus before and during His crucifixion. In this part we will see what Scripture says and doesn’t say about their relationship after His resurrection and ascension. Downloadable PDF

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Mary of Bethany

Introduction: Several Marys are written about in the New Testament, which can be confusing.  Our study is based on the woman usually called Mary of Bethany. Mary was the sister of Martha, a widow and Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead.  The family was good friends with the Lord and He usually stayed at…

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Mary, the Mother of Jesus Part I

Introduction: Mary, the mother of Jesus, is probably the most beloved woman in Christian history, the favorite subject of many painters, sculptors and musicians, but the Bible is sparse in its information of her.  It gives us few details about this beloved woman who was honored by God by allowing her to bear our Savior…

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Mary, the Mother of Jesus Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study we learned who Mary was and of the circumstances leading to Jesus’ birth. In Part 2, we follow Mary’s life until she witnesses Jesus’ crucifixion and ascension. Downloadable PDF

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Rahab, a Woman of Unusual Faith Part I

Introduction: God prepared the groundwork for sending His Son to be our Savior long before Jesus was born on earth.  His selection of the people in Jesus’ ancestry is in many cases unimpressive.  Matthew lists five women in Jesus’ lineage: Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, who prostituted herself to him; Ruth, a heathen woman; Bathsheba,…

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Rahab, a Woman of Unusual Faith Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we learned how the Israelites camped on the eastern side of the Jordan River as they waited for God’s instructions for the taking of Canaan, the land they had been promised many years before. Spies that had sneaked into the land met with Rahab, a prostitute who…

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