Somebody Special: Part 5 – Accepting Jesus

Somebody Special


Every person reaches a crisis point in their life; that is the place where they either decide to accept Jesus and enter His kingdom of light or to remain in the kingdom of darkness.

Perhaps you’re at that crisis point right now.  Perhaps you’ve already fallen in love with this Jesus we’ve been telling you about – a Jesus who loves you and has compassion for you and what you’re going through, and sees you as a very special person.  A Jesus who died to save you so you could belong to Him.  A Jesus who can help you straighten out your life and become the person He wants you to be.

Don’t you want to accept Jesus right now – to become part of His kingdom and to spend eternity with Him?

It isn’t a difficult thing to do.  The Bible shows us how to do it.


Lord, show me how to belong to You.

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