1-Fireside Chat Guidelines


The Importance of GameChanging Truths for Fireside Chats

God has built a new breed of leader in Aglow through the intentional messages we have been hearing. We are leaders positioned both geographically and spiritually to visually demonstrate life in the Kingdom.

When building a house, a strong foundation is imperative. Knowing how we are known in Heaven and who God will be for us in every situation is foundational and necessary for living in the end-times. Those truths enable us to carry out each mandate the Lord has given us.

It is no longer family business as usual. We are also the Army of God. Jesus wanted His disciples to know who He was so they could learn to walk with Him in the context of His identity. Knowing who the attendees in your group are from Heaven’s view point will cause you to walk together with a renewed sense of purpose and confidence.

These short GameChanging Truths based on real life experiences with practical applications are designed to engage attendees in conversations that will reveal individual identities and passions as each chat reinforces the teachings of Game and LifeChangers. As you partner with corporate prophetic words, as well as, local prophetic words, assignments will become clear as your group moves out from the meeting place into the community. This is going to be a great journey because your group is a gift from God to your town!

Why use Fireside Chats?

Sensing that a time of transition was at hand to move Aglow out of a church culture into a Kingdom culture, Fireside Chats were developed so groups would consider changing the flow of the monthly meeting. Yes, there will always need to be a place to disciple new believers by pouring into them the foundational truths God has poured into Aglow since 1967. He has prepared us to showcase His Goodness throughout the world by moving out of places of hiddenness into being His hands and feet through acts of kindness, meeting needs, etc.

Fireside Chats allow relational bonds to form so you know who labors among you. As you begin to see people as Heaven sees them, assignments will be released to your group that will take Aglow groups out into the marketplace. Since 2017 more and more stories are emerging as Aglow women and men touch places in their communities and bring Heaven to earth.

How to Use Fireside Chats

Use Fireside Chats in place of a speaker allowing attendees to process GameChanging truths together. Each piece reinforces the foundational truths that are essential for all that has been built into Aglow. And using Fireside Chats doesn’t mean that you will NEVER have a speaker.

In fact, we encourage you to take advantage of the weekly videos that are coming from Jane. They are short and pack a powerful truth. The collection of the #JaneHansenHoytToday messages can be found on the Aglow.org website.

Hand out a copy of the Chat for each attendee. Have a facilitator read or paraphrase the real life story or take turns reading aloud around the group. Break into small groups where each group can process through the practical applications. Make it a safe place where everyone is encouraged to talk about similar experiences and areas of struggles and victory. Let the Holy Spirit do His work.

Knowing each other through struggle and victory builds strong relationships. In times of weakness, He will bring strength. And exploring real life situations promotes honesty.

For Aglow to become a Kingdom community within a local community, strong relationships are crucial for carrying out your Kingdom assignments.

You can find the GameChanging Truths for Fireside Chats on aglow.org in the Resources section.