Master Plan
From Genesis to Revelation, it is clear that God is a God ofeternal purpose. Job stated: “I know that You can do everything, and that nopurpose of Yours can be withheld from You” (Job 42:2, emphasis mine).
In Isaiah 46:9, 10, God says: “Remember the former things ofold, for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me,declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that arenot yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand and I will do all My pleasure.’”These words indicate to us that we can expect every prophetic purpose God hasspoken since the beginning of time to be restored and fulfilled.
One such prophetic promise, spoken at the dawn of creation,will ultimately deal with the ancient curse against Satan in Genesis 3:15.While this verse refers directly to the woman, we understand that from thebeginning God told us what dominion would look like in the earth. It was maleand female. This was the structure God designed to deal with the enemy. Thiswas the structure through which He would not only deal with Satan, but alsoreveal Himself to the world. It was “plan A,” God’s master plan. There was no“plan B.”
The enemy, being aware of this plan, moved swiftly toseparate the man and the woman, bringing distrust, fear, and suspicion betweenthe genders to weaken, or attempt to render powerless, the plan of God.
The human race continues to suffer the fallout of Satan’smalignant coup. The sad truth is, the Church itself has not fully recoveredfrom this catastrophic event. The relationship between men and women, above allothers, is the foundational place from which God will yet work to accomplishHis ultimate intention. It is through the genders, male and female together,that God is fully revealed in glory, strength, power, and ultimate victory overthe evil one.
The promise of Isaiah 60 is that, as the world grows darker,a brilliant light and glory will emerge simultaneously. It will be the lightand glory of Almighty God arising in His people in a way that has not yet beenseen.
This is one of those ancient promises that has yet to befulfilled.
My great hope, as we look toward the days to come, is thecertainty that God is building a strong and mighty, vibrant and victoriousChurch on earth—one that is destined to shine as a beacon of light through daysof darkness and deception. One that displays the excellence of the King ofkings and gives honor to the Lord of lords, and one He delights to call Hisglorious Bride.