Watch Him Fulfill His Pleasure

We all struggle with difficult situations in our life at one time or another. Listen as President & CEO Jane Hansen Hoyt encourages us that in the midst of them, God is forming something eternal for Himself. Link your prayers with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and "Watch Him Fulfill His Pleasure."

It can be easy to forget that God understands the emotions and feelings we experience when we go through both good and hard times. It's okay to lament over situations as we link our prayers with Jesus and call out to Him.

Luke 11:9-10
And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

  • What do you need God to reveal to you (his thoughts/expressions) regarding a situation?
  • What is something you have yet to see fulfilled that you need to yield to the Lord and petition to Him?



Years ago, it was common practice that I would invite my parents (my father being a retired pastor, who had moved from Berkeley California now to Edmonds Washington - and it was so wonderful to have them just a few blocks away), so my practice was to have them over as frequently as possible and Sunday was a sure thing, we always had the Sunday, our Sunday dinner together. I can picture the day - my father we were just sitting, sharing together after the meal, and I was talking about a situation in my life that was grievous to me. It was something I had prayed about many times and, yet, didn't see much change in this particular area. And my father began to speak to me about God’s pity - that he pities his children. He said ask Him to reveal to you in this situation his pity regarding you and the others involved. 

Let me share the scripture with you. It's Psalm 103, starting with verse 12. It says, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us”. And here's the word about pity: “as a father pities his children”… just think of an earthly father who would watch a son or a daughter struggle in areas and you would feel that deeply in your heart and in your spirit and here we're talking about God the Father and it says, “as a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear him for he knows our frame”. I can see that through difficult situations in my life, he was forming something for himself. He was causing me to let go of some things. He was causing me to believe for other things, he was removing that fleshly activity that becomes activated in certain situations, and He was forming something eternal for himself that today i can look back on and treasure. 

It goes on to say still in the same chapter, Psalm 103, “Bless the Lord, you his angels, who excel in strength, who do his word, heeding the voice of his word”. Do you ever think about angels? Usually, we focus on Jesus. We focus on the Holy Spirt, on God the Father. But recently, I have been aware in the night season of being awakened, and feeling, sensing as though the room is filled with angels. That’s a new experience for me, and being mindful of this scripture, I will just merely offer it as a prayer - asking the angels to do the bidding of The Lord. To do the work of the Lord, even as he instructs them. There are places in your life that you've prayed about, wondered about, and I believe our focus is to remain on Jesus, but I also believe there are times when we can link our prayers with Jesus and speak to the angels, blessing the angels, even as it speaks in this verse… “who excel in strength, the angels who do his word”… stand in agreement with that Scripture, linking it with the activity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. “Bless the Lord all you his hosts you ministers of his who do his pleasure”. 

He has things he wants to do in your life that would bring him pleasure - pleasure to see fulfilled. Yield up your expectations of what it will look like when it will come, what it will sound like how it will be expressed. Yield up everything to God, everything, and watch him fulfill his pleasure. God bless you today. 

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