The Real Deal

In these uncertain times, do you find yourself trying to fill an empty space inside created by unrest? In this week's segment, listen as Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that the only true source of peace comes from the "Real Deal."

Ephesians 3:19
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

  • In uncertain times, is your immediate response to turn to Jesus, or to earthly things?
  • What are some earthly things you use to fill voids in your life (big or small)?
  • How can you work to make your immediate response turning to Jesus?


I find that in the day we live in there's a certain unrest - an element of unrest, unsureness that people can articulate. Maybe in the line at the grocery store, or just casual. Friends, you know, they articulate the uncertainty of the times, and so we can find ourselves in any given situation. Sometimes, surprising situations where people are unloading what their inner feeling or struggle is. It can be anywhere from depression and fear and uncertainty, to the other end of the spectrum - “I’d like to buy a new Maserati. “They are looking for something to fill an empty place or perhaps, it's a place where they know they're lacking peace, so they're looking to outward things to try to fill up an empty space on the inside. And we as believers know that will never work - buy away, buy as much as you can, don't go in debt, buy, but it's not going to satisfy for any length of time. 

So my concern for the restless, those who are looking, my concern is that they find the true source of peace and that is Christ Jesus. He said “Peace I came to give to you, not as the world gives. Give unto you. I’m giving you the real deal. Peace from above that will settle into your being in a way that you thought might never have been possible. There's a contentment, there's a satisfaction, there's a lack of restlessness, there is true peace that has come to you by way of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit. God bless you today.

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