The Exchanged Life

Aglow International President/CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt shares insight from the book "Spiritual Secrets" by Hudson Taylor. Join Jane as she gives us a greater understanding of Taylor's statement, "Christ is the only power for unchanging joy."

Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.

Doing life with the Lord results in holiness made complete in us, through Him and His power. When we walk renewed in His power and holiness, we become so satisfied in who He is that we aren't striving to attain things that are unholy or not from Him.

  • Do you find yourself stuck in the pattern of thinking "I wish I had...", "I wish I could...", or "I wish I did..."?
  • What events/circumstances/ideas do your thoughts and feelings tend to be based on?
  • How can you submit those feelings to The Lord?


Greetings to you today. We’re living in unusual times, aren’t we? Last night I had the opportunity to text with my granddaughter. It was a late night; we texted up to midnight! She was inquiring, “Is this preparation for the second coming?” It was a great opportunity to express some wonderful spiritual truths that she knows in her heart as she begins to see things unfold. It brings it home closer for all of us. One of the things I want to mention to you is that those of us who work at the Aglow Headquarter Office will be working off site, from our homes. We will continue to take calls; and we will continue to be blessed by your financial gifts that keep the ministry going. 

The word today is to encourage you to Stand Strong in faith; to believe God has your protection and your family’s protection covered by His blood. Jesus completed it on the cross! It is real, and times like this are ways that give us opportunity to press into that reality.

It is easy to go along day by day and just live our normal life. But when something happens, it causes us to square our shoulders and think, I know some things that I need to be living up to. This is an opportunity to Come Up Higher …and we are doing it! 

Today, I bless you. I pray the protection of Jesus over you. I plead the blood of Jesus over you. We are going to get through this and we are going to come out higher than we were before; better, stronger, more joyful than when this virus broke out; in our nation and the nations of the world. Bless you today, be well!

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