Stable As Can Be

In this week's segment, Jane Hansen Hoyt reveals to us that the source of instability is depending on self. Listen as Jane encourages us to go back to the core Truth that is as stable as stable can be.

Psalm 125:25-27
Long ago you laid the foundation of the earth 
and made the heavens with your hands. They will perish, but you remain forever... you are always the same; you will live forever.
When we look around and see all that is constantly changing around us, it's easy to get caught up and worried in it all. But one thing has remained the same: Jesus and his unwavering character.
  • What truths about God's character have reigned true in your life, especially throughout the chaos of this year?
  • How do you hold fast to who God says He is, even when it can be difficult to do so?



Well, greetings to you today. I know this is a time that is very different for all of us - it’s like the atmosphere is different, don’t you feel that? Things that seemed to be our normal pattern, being readjusted. We’ve heard the term “well, this is your new normal”. Excuse me? I have a normal that has never changed and it’s based on the Word of God, and it’s based on the core that is within me and that is Christ in me, Christ in you, the hope of glory, that has not changed. That’s as stable, as stable, as stable as it could ever be. You know sometimes we feel like we just aren’t enough. We talked about this yesterday in our staff meetings, and I don’t remember the entirety of the conversation, but I can remember that phrase being used. But then, on the other end of things, sometimes you think “Wow! I’m being really efficient today. Things are clicking”. I just want to suggest to you that either way, we are looking within ourselves to produce something. Either we feel we’re really clicking and things are falling into place and wow, this is great! Or, we tend to think “ugh, my brain feels slow today. I feel sluggish”, unsure, distracted, confused… 

We need to go back to the core, as I’ve just stated, we need to go back to the core truth of who is in us and what is in us. What is in us? The life of God, heaven lives in you. What is in you? The life of Jesus. And I want to encourage you today that no matter where you are on the spectrum. Maybe you’re discouraged and feeling like maybe you’re not up to par, or you can’t do it or you’re anxious and concerned about the atmosphere and what’s going to happen. Or maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum and you’re just feeling so on top. Let’s come to the core truth: Christ in you. The hope of Glory. That continues to be our answer, that’s our stability. That’s our beginning place, that’s our ending place. Thats our foundation - it’s Christ in us. God isn’t looking for you to produce something. He’s looking at the Christ in you, so you look at the Christ in you too. And give him freedom to move in your life, in your circumstances, and watch the peace that comes. And it’s a peace that passes the understanding. It passes right past the confusion, right past all the stuff that’s out there. It’s Christ in you, the hope of glory. 

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