Rain From Heaven
Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt describes a torrential outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is a preparation for the days ahead. Don't be afraid! Take off your rain slicker and put down your umbrella and let the "Rain from Heaven" soak you!
Joel 2:28
Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions.
The idea of a Holy Spirit outpouring can be intimidating, but what we can do when we are filled with his Spirit is so rewarding! We need His Spirit to walk into the coming days with strength and hope.
Are you ready for a torrential outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
- How can you prepare your heart for a coming outpouring?
Yesterday we had an interesting staff meeting. They're always interesting, they're fun. Different staff people share what God's been doing in their lives, and it's just very full of life, very enriching. And one of the people in the group shared the word “torrential” You know we live in a rainy part of the world, and it has been very rainy in the last several days, and she actually said it felt like torrential rain. And that word intrigued her, and began to intrigue all of us as we thought about the powerful aspect of that word torrential. And I think that we are living in a time when this torrential rain; and by that I mean clothing soaking, body soaking, hair dripping, soul-filled heart overflowing with the Holy Spirit because the torrential power of the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon us. And we've heard for some time that we're moving to a new place, a different place. We've heard the word the third great awakening, and we know we can't prepare ourselves in one sense for that next move of God, but when we heard the word torrential, it just caused everything in our hearts to be lifted up because the Holy Spirit is beginning to do something that's beyond anything we could try to do.
Certainly, he is producing the rain from heaven and it's not just a drip, drip. It's not just a little light shower, it's not even a normal kind of rain, it'll go away in a minute. It's a torrential outpour of the Holy Spirit, and I want to encourage you today to open your heart, to not be afraid of the rain that's coming. Sometimes we kind of cover up with our slicker and our hats and our umbrellas, and we do everything we can to keep the rain away from us because we don't want to be soaked. But because this is a spirit move, we want to remove any hindrance that we might have in our heart- fear, reticence, questions. This is really, we don't know, we just weigh all kinds of things, but they're all hindrances to the outpouring, the torrential outpouring, of the Holy Spirit. It’s coming and we're ready, and we want it, so we open our hearts to receive every bit, every drop that the Holy Spirit has to give us in this season. He has prepared us to step into the third great awakening and this is part of the preparation - a new powerful, torrential outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Open your heart today.