
A Place to Develope New Prayer Strategies

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Introduction: As a Christian, have you ever wished for more spiritual power in your life?  More power to resist sin?  More power to tell others about Jesus? More power to love and to live the Christian life as you should? You don’t have to just go on wishing.  Spiritual power is available to all Christians. …

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Faith Part I

Introduction: God has chosen to make faith one of the foundation stones of our relationship with Him.  But how much do we truly understand about faith?  Where does it come from?  How can we increase it when we need more?  What does God want to accomplish in our lives through faith?  In this study, we…

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Faith Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study, Faith-Part 1, we learned that our faith is so important to God that He has wrapped our spiritual life and all his promises in it.  We also learned that when we have little faith, the first thing we can do is to pray for God to increase…

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man praying

Fasting Part I

Introduction: Although its meaning has been broadened in modern times, to fast has traditionally meant to abstain from all or certain foods.  In fact, the words “to fast” come from a Hebrew word which means to cover the mouth.  Two other words, “inna napso”, meaning “to afflict the soul,” also refer to fasting. Fasting has…

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man praying

Fasting Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, Fasting-Part 1, we looked at the history of fasting in the Bible and discussed some of the reasons Christians and Jews have fasted through the ages.  In this part, we will continue to look at additional reasons. In Times of National Crisis The story of Queen Esther…

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Introduction: Is it wrong to hold a grudge?  To refuse forgiveness to someone who’s wronged you? Do we have to keep on giving another chance to people who continually cause us sorrow and hurt?  Must we continue to forgive under all circumstances? The theme of forgiveness runs throughout the Bible.  Only Christianity gives us a…

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Introduction: Do you believe in healing? More to the point, have you ever experienced healing? Or have you prayed for someone and seen him recover, perhaps before your eyes? When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, healing – physical, emotional, and spiritual – both for ourselves and the people we pray for – is…

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Intercession Part I

Introduction: Do you believe that intercession is only for a skillful few who have been given a special gift for it?  This is not what the Bible teaches.  It tells us that God wants all of us to be intercessors.  Intercession is simply one form of prayer.  At its most basic, it is praying for…

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Intercession Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we learned that God wants all of us to be intercessors — to cooperate with Him in bringing His plans to fruition.  We also began to look at some of the principles of intercession.  In this second part, we will show you what else the Bible teaches…

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Praise and Worship

Introduction: Picture with me the throne room of God as described in the book of Revelation by the Apostle John.  Around the throne are four living creatures.  “Day and night they never stop saying, ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come” (Rev. 4:8).  Each time this…

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Introduction: Like the disciples, we, too, need help and encouragement to be effective men and women of prayer.  And just as the Lord taught them to pray, so the Holy Spirit can help us to pray as we consider the principles Jesus taught in The Lord’s Prayer.  If we approach this familiar prayer as eager…

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Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare Part I

Introduction: Never before has so much of the world been at war-nation against nation, culture against culture, brother against brother.  Yet as far-reaching as this natural warfare is, it doesn’t compare to a much more extensive war in the spiritual realm.  We don’t have to read very far into the New Testament before we realize…

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