New Testament Studies

Journey Through the Sotries and Messages of the New Testament

End Times

End Times

Introduction: Wars and rumors of war!  Pestilence and famines!  Multiple earthquakes!  False prophets!  Does this sound like the times we’re living in?  Is Jesus coming back soon or is it possible that He has already returned? No Christian need live in confusion over these possibilities.  Scattered throughout the Bible are descriptions of the last days…

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Fruit of the Spirit

Introduction: As believers, we are “planted” when we are born again into a relationship with Jesus.  The Holy Spirit then lovingly nourishes and prunes us so that our lives “grow” the character traits of Christ.  Scripture calls these traits the fruit of the Spirit and tells us that spiritual fruitfulness is the Lord’s goal for…

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John the Baptist

Introduction: In earlier times the coming of royalty to an area was preceded by a herald (from the Greek word keryt, crier), announcing the soon-to-be appearance.  Paul made use of this practice when he called himself a herald and an apostle. John the Baptist is also called a herald; in this case, a witness to…

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Miracles of the New Testament Part I

Introduction: Who hasn’t thrilled over Jesus’ awe-inspiring miracles in the New Testament?  Because their recounting is a part of our culture, many are familiar with them, even non-Christians.  In this study we will try to bring perspective to them and understand their purpose in Jesus’ ministry. “[Jesus] went about doing good and healing all who…

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Miracles of the New Testament Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we reviewed the reasons why Jesus performed miracles.  In the next two parts we will look at many of the miracles themselves. For convenience sake, we have divided the miracles into these categories: physical healings, Jesus’ power over nature, the driving out of evil spirits, the raising…

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Miracles of the New Testament Part III

Introduction: In the previous part, we began looking at some of the miracles Jesus performed: physical healing, displaying His power over natural events, and casting out demons.  We continue that study in this part. Downloadable PDF

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Introduction: Three feast days were of prime importance to the Israelites:  The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), which celebrated their deliverance from Egypt, The Feast of Harvests, the first fruits of their labors sown in the fields, and The Feast of Ingathering when they harvested the fruit of their labors in the fields. Today, the…

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