

Angels Part I

Introduction: We live in a time when people, both Christians and non Christians, are fascinated by angels.  Walk down the street of any modern town or city and you’ll see a whole variety of stores featuring material on these heavenly creatures. Unfortunately, much of what we see and read today is based on half-truths.  We…

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Angels Part II

Introduction: In the first half of this study, we learned that angels are ministering servants to God’s people.  We saw them protecting and frequently carrying good news to many Old Testament leaders.  Now we shall see how they ministered to Jesus and those associated with Him and to the Early Church.  Their intervention possibly changed…

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Pride Part I

Introduction: Pride!  God has declared Himself to be a jealous God who will not tolerate our worship of any other gods.  Yet prideful man continues to arrogantly exalt himself rebelliously taking credit for what God has done.  Pride has been defined as “the sin of an uplifted heart against God and man.”   Is it any…

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Pride Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study on pride, we concentrated on its ugliness and God’s attitude toward it.  In this next section, we will look at humility, the opposite of pride.  First, let’s see what God’s attitude is toward the humble. Downloadable PDF

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The Fifth Column Part I

Introduction: Many of our readers are too young to remember the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930’s.  During this war supporters of the rebel forces formed a clandestine subversive organization which worked within Madrid, then enemy territory, to help their own political and military causes.  One rebel general named the subversive group The Fifth…

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The Fifth Column Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study we showed the totally helpless condition unsaved man finds himself in.  In this part, we show God’s solution to the problem. Downloadable PDF

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The Gift of Singleness

The Gift of Singleness Part I

Introduction: How do you see your singleness:  Do you consider it to be a blessing?  Or do you see it as a curse?  A cross?  A burden?  A punishment?  Do you feel God couldn’t possibly understand what it’s like to be single, or He’s never impose singleness on people? Perhaps you’ll be surprised to learn…

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The Gift of Singleness

The Gift of Singleness Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study on singles, we looked at the ministry of John the Baptist; Mary, the mother of Jesus; Jesus; and Paul.  In this part of the study, we will consider Mary Magdalene, the woman of Samaria, and Mary and Martha of Bethany.  We shall also consider some of the…

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Why Christians Suffer

Why Christians Suffer

Introduction: Perhaps no subject perplexes believers more than the question of why we suffer. Although Jesus, our redeemer, came to rescue us from that curse, we still live in a fallen world, in which suffering plays a large role. Christian suffering, however, can be redemptive. It can be a means whereby we are tested, purified,…

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