Look For The New

Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us at the opening of our recent Jerusalem convocation that your goodness and power come not from your behavior but from Christ within you.

Isaiah 43:19
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Our works don't determine our value or how God chooses to use us. It is by His power and character alone that He chooses to work, using us as mere vessels.

  • How can we lean into what God is about to unleash, without making it about us and "making things happen"?
  • How do we surrender our own self will to what God has? What makes it hard to fully surrender?


How do I want to say this? Don't look to your behavior as evidence of “I’m good, I’m not good”. That's after the flesh. You're good, you're powerful, you're redeemed, you're sanctified because of who lives in you. It’s totally, in one sense, it is totally about him and not about you. What he does is he works quietly on the inside and keeps aligning us with heaven, keeps aligning us with him. We don't want just good works - want Christ. We want the spirit of Christ, we want to see him reproduced in the earth and here we are - his children, his disciples, his followers singing his praises, worshiping him in his hometown. I believe that we're going to see some new things, maybe they'll start here. Look for the new, don't make it up just because you heard “something new was going to happen”. Let it be him because when it's him, there is no doubt in anyone's mind. 

We worship you, we honor you for you are worthy to be praised. [Music] I will say again just continue to come, holy spirit because there's going to be a fresh outpouring of your Holy Spirit. We're not running on fumes from the last 50 years. We want a full tank of fresh new Holy Spirit oil. And we know that's in your heart as well, so we thank you for this morning. We thank you for the worship, we thank you for the adoration that has come so easily. I thank you for every man and woman in this room and the overflow room, and those watching the webcast: the same Holy Spirit is flowing out throughout this ministry. In all of the nations, there is fresh oil the light is brighter, the depth is deeper, the truth is explosive.

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