Why We Must Be Born Again Part I

Why We Must Be Born Again


If you know any Christians, you're undoubtedly familiar with the phrase, "You must be born again."

But just what does being "born again" mean?  And why do Christians insist that it is essential to anyone seeking eternal life?

First, let's look at its meaning.  Some people try to make a distinction between being a Christian and being born again, believing that being a Christian often means being a nominal Christian, while being born again means being deeply devoted to Christ.  There is nothing in Scripture to make such a distinction. If we are Christians, we are born again.  If we are born again, we are Christians.  T he term "born again" can also be translated "born anew", "born from above," or "born from God."

In this study we will primarily use "born again", because it is the most familiar and because it is easiest to understand.

The term "born again" comes from the gospel of John.

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