Why Should We Read the Bible Part I

Why Should We Read the Bible?


"Why should I read the Bible?  I'm already a Christian and I've got a pretty good idea of what it says - at least the important parts.  Besides, much of it is ancient history and old laws that probably don't apply to us today, and a lot of it is too preposterous to be believed."

If these are your feelings, you're in for a big surprise.  Not only is the Bible applicable for today, but it still speaks its life-giving message to believers' hearts and minds.  It is essential reading for every Christian.

The Bible goes by many names: “the word of God”, “God's word,” “the Scriptures,” and “Scripture,” to name a few.  Psalm 119 calls it the “law of the Lord,” “God's statues,” “decrees,” “commands,” “precepts,” and the psalmist says he "rejoices," "delights," "keeps," meditates on," "obeys," it and "is consumed with longing" for it.

He goes on to say it is "more precious than riches" and “sweeter than honey."  "God breathed" and "God inspired," are two of the beautiful translations of the Apostle Paul's descriptions of the Bible.  If the fact that the Bible was written by the inspiration of God is not sufficient reason to make you want to read it, then its many promises for those who do should change your mind.

First, let's look at some of the ways the Bible describes itself.

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