Why Jesus is the Only Way Part I

Why Jesus is the Only Way


Perhaps you've heard people, even Christians, say, "There is no one way to God.  It doesn't matter whether you believe in Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or someone else—they can all lead you to God and life after death.”  Perhaps you believe that yourself.  While this idea sounds very enlightened, there's a big problem with it.  It's dead wrong!

Of all the religions and beliefs in the world, only one leads to God and eternal life—acceptance of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Well, Jesus was a good man, a great teacher, but so were some of those other leaders, you may be thinking.  Saying Jesus is the only way is so narrow, so intolerant.

Perhaps it sounds that way.  But would you call a road map that gives the only accurate instructions to a given destination narrow-minded?   It's only narrow in the sense of being exact.  All the other maps in the world will do us no good if they don't get us to our desired destination.

Well, why is Jesus so special that He can claim He is the only way that leads to God?  There are many reasons Jesus is so "special."  Perhaps the most important one is that He deals with the consequences of sin.

Maybe you think the idea of sin is outmoded.  Perhaps you don't think of yourself as a sinner.  But God does.  Let's look at what the Bible has to say on this subject.

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