What it Means to be a Christian Part I


Some time ago, I was in charge of the book table at an Aglow conference.  At the end of the conference I was told to pack up the books as soon as possible because the space was needed by another group.  When I explained this to a potential customer, she complained that she wasn’t finished looking yet.  I apologized and explained the situation to her again.  She instantly became annoyed.  “And you call yourself a Christian!”  she exclaimed.

This woman mistakenly believed that because I worked for a Christian organization and yet did not oblige her that proved I wasn’t a Christian.  Like so many others, not only individuals but denominations as well, she had a confused idea of what a Christian is.

While it is true that our behavior should reflect our Christianity, it doesn’t necessarily show who is and who isn’t a Christian.

If we will carefully review what Scripture says, we will see that it explains the steps one must take to become a Christian.  In this study, we will look at what the Bible says on this important subject.

Just who is Jesus, and why should we follow Him?  The most revealing pictures of Him are found in the book of John and the epistle to the Colossians.

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