The Unopened Gift

The Unopened Gift


Do you like to receive gifts?  Most people do.  Some can't hold back their excitement; they rip off the wrapping as fast as they can.

Others like to play with the package and try to guess what's inside. They shake it to see if it rattles; they sniff it; they try to figure out its weight.  They do everything they can think of to get clues as to what it is.

But did you ever know anyone who received a gift and was so sure she knew what was inside she didn't even bother to unwrap it?

That's the way a lot of Christians act.

They know they've received the gift of salvation. But they're so sure the package contains only their "ticket to heaven" and nothing else that they've never even unwrapped the package and taken a good look at what's inside.

When we are born again, we know we are saved from sin.  But is that all being saved means?  You may be surprised to learn that it means many more things.  We don’t have the space here to talk about all of them, but we can look at some of the more important ones.

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