The Power Of God’s Love

Little boy

Greg was about 8 years old and I only saw him that week of Vacation Bible School, but that one week of encounters was enough to make an indelible imprint on my life. Our Church sent out buses and Greg was a child who came from an unchurched home.

I was assigned to grades 1-3 both boys and girls. Greg needed his own teacher or caretaker we found out as the week progressed. He was loud. He hit. He shoved. He pulled hair and pinched. He never stood or sat still. He was constant motion.

Expecting him to sit and listen to the Bible story and then complete the daily art project was beyond his ability. He seemed to be created to stir things up, and not in a good way. He seemed to always be about the opposite of what you wanted him to do. Honestly, he tried my patience, and my kindness, and my joy, and my peace. Just seeing little Greg come through the door was enough to drain the Fruit of the Spirit right out of me!

By Wednesday, all the teachers and helpers seemed to disappear when Greg started his routine. I was the only one left. I jumped right in as he began to hit, push, kick, scream, and curse all at the same time. I was not too surprised to find us both down on the floor, Greg in full out attack mode, and me with my legs wrapped around his legs and my arms holding him tightly. Struggle as he might, he could not get away.

It was in that moment that something amazing happened. Both of us were at the end of our ropes and I was contemplating telling Greg’s bus driver that he could not come the last two days. Much to my surprise, I heard myself whispering through gritted teeth, “I love you, Greg.” And instantly his little body relaxed, the struggle was over and I heard a tiny voice reply, “I love you, too.”

I relaxed my hold. Greg got up and went to his seat and became the model child. I got up off the floor and straightened my hair and clothes and continued to steal glances at Greg. The power of love, God’s love, in a moment had transformed this child.

On our journey in life, we will meet many people like Greg. Perhaps they will be unchurched like he was. Perhaps their outward behavior is a reflection of their inward cry for love and acceptance, but like Greg, they do not have the language or skills to tell us.

Some of them, God will send on purpose, like He sent Greg to me, so I could witness a visible demonstration of the power of love. Some are sent to grow Grace in us so that we are more like Jesus. We can turn the other cheek. We can not only give our shirt, but our coat, too. We are carriers of His Presence everywhere we go and for many, we are the only evidence of God they may ever see or experience.

In 2003 God unplugged us from our past and rewired us to become totally new. He has awakened us to who we really are in Christ. He has positioned us geographically and spiritually in the earth to be a visual demonstration of who He really is.

Jesus said, “When you see Me, you have seen the Father.” (Jn. 14:9) The same must be true of us. “Two commands I give to you. Love the Father with all your heart. Love your neighbor like you love yourself.” (Matt. 22:37-40) Acts 10:38 tells us what our mission and assignments will revolve around, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power and He went around doing good and healing ALL who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.”

Practical Application