The Lighthouse: A Gift Of God To Your Community


From one man He made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. - Acts 17:26

Lighthouses are a gift of God to the community. Birthed by God with great intentionality, each Lighthouse should continually follow after the life of Jesus. He did not utter a word without having heard the Father first speak it. Neither did He move at His own pace. In all things, He set Himself to follow the lead of the Father. (John 6:38; John 5:19; John 8:28; John 12:49-50; John 14:10)

One of the ways we align ourselves with the Father, positioning ourselves to receive direction from Him is through prayer. Because we are sent by God and placed with purpose in our communities, hearing our assignment(s) from Him should be one of our top priorities as we come together in times of worship and prayer.

God has placed each one of us in a neighborhood/community to make a difference. If you want to turn the heart of your nation, you must begin by turning the hearts of your neighbors.

In Danville, VA, USA the Lighthouse leaders begin to seek God for an open door into their community. It seemed to be a hit and miss adventure. They agreed that they would ‘try’ different ideas to see if there was life that came forth. One of the ideas took them to a local park in a section of town that had a high crime rate and was known for drug activity.

It was a simple plan: they would take their lunch, eat, and see what door opened. Week after week, they ate their lunch, prayed, and left, but one day it all changed when they noticed the basketball court next to the park. A group of teens were noisily playing ball.

It wasn’t too many lunch times in the park before a woman drove up, calling out to the women, “I know God sent you because no one else would eat lunch in this park.” She proved to be the key that unlocked the door to the teens playing basketball. Relationships began to be built, Christmas bags were given to each teen, and the rest is history.

Assignments will come from the Lord that we will need to carry out quickly rather than taking months to plan every detail. Be light-footed!

He has trained us and positioned us for this time. He has re-mantled us and re-commissioned us. If we will seize what He has set us apart to do, the Holy Spirit will take hold with us and it won’t be our own strength, it will be His strength! Harvest is coming to your town!

Your Aglow group has been chosen for this day and for this time. God has poured into you all you need. Lean in and listen to the Holy Spirit. He will show you the park where you are to have lunch or the school you are to walk around. You can trust Him to lead you because He has been leading Aglow groups since 1967. He trained us up and now it is our time to become His visual aid in our communities. People groups will be saved. The sick will be healed. The lame will walk. Blind eyes will open. Be ‘Jesus with skin on’ in your community!

Practical Application

Stepping into the role of being the gift of God to your community. You are pregnant with possibilities!

As you come together, appoint one or two people to be the ones to capture what comes forth as you begin to pray. Capture key words or phrases, directions, etc. Having a couple of people will bring two perspectives.

You may want to start with a time of worship; however, be prepared for the flow to shift as you seek the Holy Spirit’s lead as to the plans Heaven has for your community.

  • Prepare your
  • Repent of any prejudice or judgment you hold against the
  • Ask the Lord to give you an increase of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit so that the nature of God overflows upon people as you pray.
  • Quiet yourself in God’s Presence. This will help you hear Him more clearly. This will also cause His Presence upon you to be released into the
  • Ask the Holy Spirit how to Ask for a strategy specific to the territory (community, nation). Ask Him how He sees this territory.

What gifts does He see?

What blessing does He want to release?

What fills His heart with compassion and favor towards the people here? What special place does He have for these people in His Kingdom?

  • Do you know of any prophetic words or promises God has spoken for the people here? If not, ask Him to give you a word or a scripture promise. This will help you pray for the heaven-to-earth identity of the people to As we speak the Word He gives us, it goes forth in power and the Holy Spirit begins to hover over that Word to bring forth life.
  • Give thanks to the Lord for His Goodness in the territory and worship Him. His Glory emanating through us will change everyone around us.

As You Pray:

  • Declare the truth of God’s Word and His prophetic promises. (Use the Lord You Said cards to )
  • The Lord may show you demonic strongholds. There are some things He has said to you in the past that are going to defeat national, international, geographical, wicked spirits, and rulers of the darkness of this world. Principalities are going to be dismantled because of promises that are acted on and the greatest harvest your town has ever known is upon

First, give thanks to Him for exposing the works of darkness, and worship the Lord for His Goodness that overcomes such darkness.

As the Lord leads, declare that the darkness is exposed and has no place in the intentions of God for the people in your community. Cut off his supply line.

Then, declare the Truth of Who God is in that place to establish a fortress or stronghold of the Majesty of God in the place where darkness has been exposed and removed. (When a demonic stronghold is broken, it is very important to build up the righteousness of God in that place.)

Worship and celebrate God’s Grace calling down all the Grace your community needs. (Use the Grace cards to assist.)

  • Look for open There is something so powerful happening in the Spirit today that will cause the purposes of God to be birthed in days.


An open door to the Gospel may be a place where people are seeking truth even if they are seeking it in the wrong way. For example, people attending a psychic fair to have their fortunes read are seeking something that will impact them spiritually. Pray that demonic manifestations are powerless and ask the Holy Spirit to draw them to Christ.

An open door may be a person or group of people who are drawn to you and are eager to connect with you. They are being drawn by the Presence of God in you, and His Presence is opening the door of their hearts to receive Him.

An open door may be some needs that you encounter. Are people hungry? This is an open door to meet that need by giving them something to eat. When they know you care, their hearts are open to hear.

As assignments come from the Lord, you will need to carry them out quickly rather than take months to plan every detail. There are times you will need to move quickly in obedience. You are apostolic-prophetic watchmen set with great purpose in your town.

  • Be alert to discover people with influence. Like the woman who came to the park in Danville was the key to the teens playing

If you meet someone who is open to hear and receive the Gospel, that person may be key in reaching others in the community. Make note to follow up with this person and to pray regularly for her/him.

You may meet a Christian who is struggling with isolation. You may be the answer to his prayer, and he may be the answer to your prayer. Ask God why He has brought you together. Follow through with whatever the Lord shows you. This may be someone God is calling to partner with you to evangelize the community and help establish an Aglow group.

People with influence can help you build relationships with others in the community or nation.

Here are some examples from scripture:

  • Luke 7:1-10 – The Centurion
  • John 4:1-30 – The Samaritan Woman
  • Acts 8:26-40 – The Ethiopia Eunuch
  • Acts 10:9-11:1 – Cornelius
  • Acts 16:13-15 – Lydia
  • Acts 16:22-38 – The Philippian Jailer
  • Pray with

Expect the Holy Spirit to stir His gifts in you so you can pray and minister effectively. Expect God to breakthrough any resistance to the gospel.

Expect God to demonstrate His favor and the power of His Presence as you pray. Expect every seed of prayer that you sow to produce harvest for God’s Kingdom.

Expect God to fulfill every word He has spoken for the community or nation where you are praying.

After You Pray:

  • Continue to declare the promises of
  • Follow up with people the Lord brings to you as you
  • Expect to see the fruit of your prayer. Look for evidence of
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any more strategies He has for this
  • Celebrate God’s