Holy Spirit Part II


In the first lesson, we learned that the Holy Spirit has been active in the world since creation. We learned of his various attributes and the part He played in the life of the Israelites. This study continues with the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus and how He empowered Jesus for His ministry.

The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus

Our story begins with Zachariah, an elderly priest and his wife, Elizabeth, a cousin of the Virgin Mary.  While Zachariah was on duty in the Temple, an angel told him Elizabeth would bear a very special child. At John's birth, Zachariah, filled with the Holy Spirit, prophesied that his son would be God's prophet and would go before the Lord to prepare a way for Him.

A few months before John's birth, the angel Gabriel, had appeared to Mary, a young peasant girl. He told Mary she, too, would give birth to a son.

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