Fruit of the Spirit


As believers, we are "planted" when we are born again into a relationship with Jesus.  The Holy Spirit then lovingly nourishes and prunes us so that our lives "grow" the character traits of Christ.  Scripture calls these traits the fruit of the Spirit and tells us that spiritual fruitfulness is the Lord's goal for all believers.

Imagine an apple orchard at harvest time.  The trees are loaded with bright red apples, their branches bent under the weight of the new crop.  The farmer is delighted.  Passersby, whose appetites are whetted by the sight and aroma of the fresh fruit, stop to buy apples, then hurry away to enjoy and share them with others.

The Bible describes the Christian's growth and development in much the same way as apples are grown and harvested.  As believers, we are "planted" when we are born again into a relationship with Jesus.  The Holy Spirit then lovingly nourishes and prunes us so that our lives "grow" the character traits of Christ.  Scripture calls these traits the fruit of the Spirit and tells us that spiritual fruitfulness is the Lord's goal for all believers.
Once we discover God's plan for us to become fruitful Christians, we can understand how important it is to grow the fruit of the Spirit.

Much about the fruit of the Spirit can be best understood by looking at the process from a gardening point of view.  Since God is the Master Fruit Grower, we need to cooperate with Him so our lives will grow and develop spiritual fruit.

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