The Bible


Have you been amazed by something a little child said?  Perhaps it was the way he explained how a toy worked.  Or maybe it was the sharing of an exciting adventure.  With their uncluttered minds and their simple, trusting ways, children often grasp things we adults miss.

Jesus knew this, and, although He taught profound truths, He taught simply - at a level any child could understand.  And, He specifically asked His followers (not only those living during His earthly lifetime, but the many who would come later) to trust Him as little children would.

This is especially true with prayer.  Jesus wanted His disciples to pray with this same childlike attitude to be as natural and as trusting as a child talking with his daddy.  Jesus wasn't "religious" or showy like the religious leaders who prayed loud, repetitious prayers in public.  The Bible tells us that He often slipped quietly away to commune alone with His Father.  This communication with God, as we observe in Scripture, was Jesus' lifeline, His source of power for ministry.  No wonder the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray!

Although God's book of love letters is called the Bible by most people, it has many other names as well:  The Word, Scripture or the Scriptures, and The Law are just a few of them.

In the Bible, God shares how much He loves us and how much He knows about us, too.

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