Baptism in the Holy Spirit


As a Christian, have you ever wished for more spiritual power in your life?  More power to resist sin?  More power to tell others about Jesus? More power to love and to live the Christian life as you should?

You don't have to just go on wishing.  Spiritual power is available to all Christians.  As a matter of fact, God is probably more anxious to give it to you than you are to receive it.

Giving His people spiritual power has always been part of God's plan for us.  Unfortunately, throughout much of history, Satan has blinded us and kept this wonderful truth a secret from most Christians.  However, today, God is giving His spiritual power to great numbers of people.  He will give it to you, too.

The way God gives His spiritual power to Christians is through the baptism in the Holy Spirit.  You see, when we are saved, God's Holy Spirit comes into our human spirit and gives it life.  Then, when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit that same Spirit is released so that it overflows into every part of us, giving us spiritual power to fully live the Christian life.  God doesn't want us to just have His Spirit - He wants His Spirit released in our life.

Thousands of years before Christ was born, God began to tell His people about a time in the future when His Holy Spirit would be released within His believers.

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