Spiritual Warfare Part I

Spiritual Warfare


Never before has so much of the world been at war—nation against nation, culture against culture, brother against brother.  Yet as far-reaching as this natural warfare is, it doesn't compare to a much more extensive war in the spiritual realm.  We don't have to read very far into the New Testament before we realize that much of it is written from the point of view that we live in a world which conducts business as usual against the backdrop of a fierce war waging between two kingdoms—Christ's kingdom of light and Satan's domain, the kingdom of darkness. It is a war in which we Christians have an important role to play.

Paul lived in a time when the Romans controlled most, if not all, of the civilized world.  After they conquered nations, they left behind a strong occupational army to keep order and hold down rebellion.  In other words, this occupational army enforced the victory the Romans had already won.  Members of the Roman army were very much in evidence everywhere.  It was from this natural army that Paul drew many of his illustrations in his teachings.

However, he warns us that we are not fighting an earthly enemy so we cannot use natural weapons to fight our spiritual battles.

Did you know that when you became a Christian, you were drafted into the Lord's army?

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