Somebody Special: Part 2 – What Went Wrong?

Somebody Special


Have you ever wondered what happened to our world? If God created a perfect earth, how did it and the people here (in particular, you) get so messed up?

It’s not very hard to understand. When God made us, He didn’t make us like puppets – He gave us free will. Free will means that He gave us the right to choose; the right to choose good or bad – the right to make wise or poor decisions – the right to obey God or Satan.

You see, almost as soon as God created the earth, Satan, God’s arch enemy, showed up on the scene. He wanted everyone to follow him, instead of God. Guess what happened? Just like many people today, most of the original people on earth, and in every generation since, chose to follow Satan. You can read about that in Genesis. People grew more and more wicked (except for a few people who were faithful to God) until there was almost no hope left.

Did that cause God to stop loving the people He’d created? Never! And finally He did something about it.


God, I know there’s very little I can do to get myself out of the mess I’m in. Help me to learn about your Son Jesus, the one who’s got some answers for me.

Read John 3:16-17.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

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