Rahab, a Woman of Unusual Faith Part I


God prepared the groundwork for sending His Son to be our Savior long before Jesus was born on earth.  His selection of the people in Jesus' ancestry is in many cases unimpressive.  Matthew lists five women in Jesus' lineage: Tamar, the daughter-in-law of Judah, who prostituted herself to him; Ruth, a heathen woman; Bathsheba, who committed adultery with David; Mary, Jesus' mother, a simple peasant girl; and Rahab, a prostitute.

I believe God specifically chose these women because they were sinful, heathen, or ordinary, so that people of all times would be able to easily identify with Jesus. We will never be able to use our background, our heredity, our moral condition or our lack of some special quality as an excuse to hold us back from the love of the Savior.

In this study, we are going to devote our attention to Jesus' ancestor Rahab, a heathen women through whom and to whom God performed a mighty miracle.

The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years when Moses led them through the wilderness for another 40 years, during which time God fed them on manna from heaven.  Moses was an old man when they reached the land of Canaan, a land that God had promised to them many years before if they would remain faithful to Him. They had proved unfaithful on many occasions, but they were now encamped at Shittum or Acadia Grove, across the Jordan River from Canaan.  Moses was not destined to lead the Israelites into the land on the other side of Jordan River. God had given this assignment to Joshua, his assistant.  Joshua is a type of Christ.  The name Joshua means "Yahweh Is Salvation", the Hebrew equivalent of Jesus.

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