Purpose is in the Process

Purpose is in the Process

One day, I was out planting bluebonnet seeds. It was a blustery autumn day, 43 degrees with wind gusts up to 35 mph and it was drizzling. It did not seem like the optimal time to be planting wildflower seeds that would not bloom for another four or five months, but I know that the seed has to be in the ground now. It has to go through some ‘stuff’ before it can sprout properly. Sound familiar to anyone? Do you go through ‘stuff’ as you journey through life?

This particular seed has to go through cold temperatures. It has to settle into the soil properly. It needs to go through the process of weathering, which means to wear down the old seed coat so the new plant, programmed by God in its DNA, can spring forth. Could this be what is happening in us as we go through ‘stuff’ in life? And could it be what is happening as we are developing others into future leaders?

As leaders, we are constantly planting ‘stuff’ in people. We pour out and sow and work and sometimes, it does not seem like anything is taking root in them. Nothing is springing forth that is visible. If we are not careful, we can begin to doubt that seed we planted. We can begin to blame the lack of results either on the person or on our lack of expertise in planting it.

But sometimes what we plant in people has to go through ‘stuff’, too, before it can break through the soil. It is important to remember that when we plant God’s seed into people through His Word, that that seed comes with promise.

Graham Cooke says this:

Promise is a currency. When God has given you His Word, everything in Heaven is behind it. He talks in promises and permissions. Everything is yes and amen in Christ. ‘As He is, so are you. Take My yoke upon you. My peace I give you. Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. You can do all things in Me because I will strengthen you. Abide in Me and I will abide in you.’

God is full of permission, full of promise, full of identity. A promise may take time to come through, but you can live your life by it during the process.

Those are powerful words. I am not going to go out and dig up these bluebonnet seeds next month because they have not broken the surface yet. I am at peace with the promise of their growth. They are going through their ‘stuff’. They are going through their process in a hidden place that will cause them to be beautiful flowers one day.

Trust the seed you plant in others and trust the seed that has been planted in you. Trust God’s process in bringing it to life. Be in peace about what you plant. Those seeds are packed with promise. God’s Word never returns void.

James 3: 18 And the seed whose fruit is righteousness (spiritual maturity) is sown in peace by those who make peace.

In 2014 Jane Hansen Hoyt had a brilliant idea for us to begin to process, practice, talk about, and discuss the truths that we were learning in GameChangers and LifeChangers so that the truths became part of our DNA, our lifestyle. Using these statements below, process with a group of your peers and listen to how others see these truths from where they stand. If you find a statement that really rubs you the wrong way, take the time to explore what it is that you are resisting. Do not be surprised if a statement or two bumps up against a mindset that you did not know you had! We are dismantling an old, powerless culture and coming into the Kingdom of Heaven which is filled with power and promise.

P.S. Journaling your thoughts as you process is priceless!

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