Me? A Leader?


I never used to see myself as a leader. In fact, it made me uncomfortable when others referred to me as one. I came into Aglow leadership at the Lighthouse level when I was 19 years old, and I thought it was because God just needed someone to hold the place open until a more qualified person came along.

I would look at the anointed, vibrant people I served with, and compared to them and their natural skills, I felt like I brought nothing to the table. But I could be a place holder until a more anointed, better qualified leader came along and I did believe the Lord would bring the right woman along to step into the place I was keeping open.

That was 35 years ago and I am still in Aglow leadership. No one ever came along to take my place, but I have a much clearer picture of things now. One of the things I did not understand then was that God calls people for His plans and His purposes. His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours that I could never begin to fathom how He came to call me to leadership. But I did learn that when He calls a person to something, He gives all you need; everything you must have, to do it and do it with excellence.

Let me tell you this important truth. You are not in leadership by accident. You may look back upon your journey into this and wonder what the Lord was thinking when He put you there, just as I did. But He is purposeful and strategic in all He does, and you are here for such a time as this. (Acts 17:26)

It is important that you start to see yourself as a leader because that is how God sees you. Walk like a leader. Learn the language of Heavenly leadership. Become comfortable with that calling He has gifted into you. Understand how vital your role is in the Kingdom. God looked at all the people who serve Him and specifically chose you for this part.

Graham Cooke said, “What do you see when you look at yourself in Christ? What is the mirror-image of His favor and His kindness and His love? What grace is yours, right now, today, to be made in His image? When God speaks to you His words are Spirit and Life. And, when you embrace them it is like holding up a mirror in front of your face, and when you embrace the Word of the Lord, you see it reflected because the Word of God is a mirror that enables you to see who you are really becoming. In that mirror, do you believe what God believes about you?”

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

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