Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone Part I

Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone - Part 2


“These (Jesus miraculous signs) are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” John 20:31

Is Jesus a Savior for everyone or is He only for a few select believers?  Unfortunately, some people believe He is a white, Western God, while the rest of the world is better served by other gods.

The Spirit-Filled Life Bible emphasizes that no one who reads [this book of Luke] should feel that he is beyond the reach of salvation.  Throughout the book of Luke, Jesus is presented as the Savior of the whole world.  Luke emphasizes the fact that the gospel is not only for Jews, but for all peoples--Greeks, Romans, Samaritans, and all others without regard to race or condition.  It is not only for males, but also for females, including widows and prostitutes as well as the socially prominent.  It is not only for free men, but also for slaves and all others rejected by society--the lowly, the poor, the helplessly weak, criminals, outcast sinners, and even the despised tax collectors.

Let’s see how Luke proves His case.

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