I Am the True Vine Part I



In previous studies we have studied three of Jesus' “I Am's” which He used to describe Himself: I Am, I Am the Bread of Life, and I Am the Good Shepherd. In this study we will look at Jesus as the True Vine, which produces spiritual fruit. In addition to the related scriptures, I have included information gleaned from gardening books as well as my own gardening experiences.

When Jesus described Himself as The True Vine, He is contrasting Himself to the wild vine that grows rampantly in the world and produces the fruit of the flesh.

Before we can actually study what this fruit of the Spirit is, we need to see what it is not.

What the fruit of the Spirit is not

In the fifth chapter of Galatians Paul tells us that we are capable of producing two varieties of fruit - the fruit of the Spirit, and the fruit of the flesh.  Here is how he contrasts them:

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