Goodness and Kindness are Inseparable

Homeless man

My husband had already left for work and my daughter was in town at practice. I had food in the oven just minutes away from being done when I stepped outside to put something in the car. My heart sank when I realized the door locked behind me and my house keys were inside.

I was glad I had my car key, though, and high tailed it into town to get Leah's house key. I was so thankful to get it and hoped to speed back home without obstacles. The persistent thought I'd had earlier that I hadn't had a chance to spread any goodness this day hit me again. I determined I'd do better tomorrow.

As I neared the on ramp to the highway, I saw a homeless woman on the side of the road, near the intersection. I zoomed past, and God stirred my heart. I thought of what must be burning in the oven by this time, but knew I had to turn around and get back to her.

It took a while because I had to maneuver through a construction and underpasses, but I got to the stop sign near where I'd seen her. I dug into my purse and found a bill larger than what I'd intended to give, but this wasn't about my intentions any more.

She was already trudging away with her backpack and I had to turn down another street to get to her. I was able to pull right up to her and get my window down before she got any farther down the road. She squinted through the open window and as I handed her the money and looked her in the eye, her sunburned face crinkled into a toothless smile. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you!"

She looked down for a moment, then up again, her blue eyes centering directly on mine. Softly, she added, "And thank you for looking me in the eye. To be counted as a person means more to me than you know."

We shared a little more with each other before parting.

When I got home, the food in the oven was not burned at all, but cooked perfectly, although I had been gone over 20 minutes.

Spreading goodness is the only way we are going to change things in this world. God prompted me to do that because I would not have done it on my own. While touching one person may not immediately change the world, I know that if each of us purpose to release goodness every day, we can make a difference.

Goodness spreads and multiplies while negativity’s spreading produces division and subtraction. Let’s purpose to be Multipliers

Practical Application

When God spoke to us and told us that we would have an Aglow group in every city, town, and village around the world, He knew our presence carries the potential for signs, wonders, and miracles. Because we are carriers of His Presence, really, no one is safe from a blessings, a healing, a deliverance….. whatever they need. God is in us to flow through us to transform the town where Aglow women and men gather.