God’s Love for Women Part I


God is no respecter of persons and He values women every bit as much as He does men.  If we will carefully search Scripture, we find that regardless of culture, social or economic conditions, God is constantly revealing His love and concern for women.

Jesus was a tradition breaker.  And in no place did He break with tradition more completely than He did in His relationship with women.  Jesus lived in an age and culture that often considered women as property, sometimes on a par equal with dogs.  Women's testimony was not accepted in a court of law.  Yet time and time again, Jesus violated those conventions by His friendship with a woman.  The Early Church followed Jesus' lead, and it has been said that wherever Christianity came, the status of women was immediately raised.

Because of length, we have had to abridge many of the scriptures used.  However, if you have a Bible, it would be a good idea to read the scriptures in their entirety.

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