Go Ye Into All the World

Go Ye Into All the World

The Herrnhut community in Germany was a passionate part of the Moravian Church, known for their dynamic missionary zeal. In 1727, they began continuous intercession that lasted, unbroken, for 100 years.  They did not pray for blessings for themselves, or wealth, or comfort or safety. They poured themselves out in prayer for the people of the world to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. As they cried out for souls to be won, the Holy Spirit poured Himself out on those believers and great revival followed.

In 1732, two Moravians from the Herrnhut community, 36-year-old David Nitschmann, and 26-year-old Johann Leonhard Dober, heard of an island in the West Indies owned by a devout atheist. This man owned 3,000 slaves on his island, but adamantly refused to allow Bibles, missionaries, or preachers on his property.

The two young Moravians were so moved for the salvation of the island’s slaves that they made a radical choice. The only way for them onto the island was to sell themselves into slavery so that they might live among fellow slaves and then share the Gospel with them.

  • They decided to do it.
  • They determined that nothing would stop them from sharing the great love of Jesus with these people who would never hear of Him otherwise.
  • They encountered many obstacles.

People close to them told them this was too radical a move; that they could just stay at the church and pray for these slaves from afar. Emotional family and friends tried to convince them this was an unnecessary sacrifice. Government officials tried to stop them, as well.

But nothing deterred the two young Moravian men. Finally, the day came for them to sail to the island to become slaves and share the great Gospel of Jesus with the 3,000.

The entire Herrnhut community turned out at the dock to bid them farewell, knowing this would probably be a trip of no return for them and they would most likely not see them again this side of Heaven.

As the ship pulled away from the shore, the two new missionaries raised their hands to Heaven and declared to their friends and family on shore, “May the Lamb Who was slain receive the rewards of His suffering!”

At the Aglow Reset Conference in Orlando, Florida in 2021, Dutch Sheets said,

(God’s) heart is to redeem the rebel. His heart is to redeem people that have no idea that He exists and they deny He exists!  His mercy and His compassion is not just something He feels. It is His DNA. It is who He is. And He is coming with a new beginning and a fresh start for millions upon millions. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world, nations - entire nations are going to get a fresh start!

And so, we have to think differently, and I am saying this again to you, Aglow, you have to think differently. I do not know what that means, but you are going to know what that means.  You are going to have to think differently.

GameChangers Key 1

To harvest, new thinking is required.


  1. And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

The Rest of the Story: As for the two young Moravian missionaries who sold themselves as slaves to minister to a population of slaves, they did minister on the island and after a period of time, they were able to return home and continue in the service of God.

Practical Applications

Since 2013 we have been learning to get another thought and as we find ourselves on the verge of a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit that will cover the earth, we must be prepared to receive the coming harvest.