Faith Part I


God has chosen to make faith one of the foundation stones of our relationship with Him.  But how much do we truly understand about faith?  Where does it come from?  How can we increase it when we need more?  What does God want to accomplish in our lives through faith?  In this study, we hope to answer these and other questions you may have about this vital subject.

What Faith Is

Our first step in learning about faith is to be sure we know what it means.  For an understandable definition of faith, we'll use The Amplified Bible.  Here's how it describes faith:  "The leaning of your entire human personality on Him [God] in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom and goodness."  (It also defines "believe," which is closely related to "faith," as having "an absolute personal reliance upon the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior.")

Perhaps an even simpler definition of biblical faith or belief might be, "The absolute conviction that God keeps his promises."  Let's see what else the Bible tells us about the meaning of faith.

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