Esther Part I


Only two books in the Bible – Esther and Ruth – are named for women.  These inspiring books tell the stories of two young women whose lives played an important role in Israel’s history.  In this study, we will look at the book of Ester.

Since Aglow’s inception, it has received many prophecies declaring that this Christian women’s organization has been raised up “for such a time as this.” Those familiar with Scripture will recognize this phrase from the book of Esther. Because of these prophesies and present world conditions; we believe we would do well to study Esther at this time.

First, we need to look at the background of this book. Esther takes place in Susa, Persia's (Iran's) capital city. The Persian Empire comprised more than half the known world at that time, and it is believed that between two and three million Jews lived there.  Susa, the winter capital of the Persian kings, is the same city where Daniel received his vision earlier.

Esther's Hebrew name was “Hadassah”, which means myrtle. The events of the book take place during a period of ten years and time wise they occur between chapters 6 and 7 of the book of Ezra.  Esther is the fascinating account of how God saved His “chosen people” from annihilation in the Persian Empire.  Although God’s name is not mentioned in the book of Esther, He is both the author and director of all the events.  Standing on the sidelines, we can imagine Him prompting, “Why do you think I introduced this character here?”  “How am I going to get this character out of this situation?”  “What do you think is going to happen next?”

Because we have had to condense much scripture in this study, we recommend that you read the book in its entirety if possible.

Click the button below to begin Esther Part 1.

(Esther Part 1 | Esther Part II)