Bloom Where You Are Planted

As Patricia Long drove into her neighborhood before Christmas, she heard these words, “You could do this and that if you did not have that big, two story house.” Much to her surprise, when she got home, her husband, Max, handed her a letter he had found in their mailbox. The letter basically said, “We like your house. Are you interested in selling?”

At that time, Patricia was serving as the State Leader for Kentucky, USA. Because of what she had heard as she drove home, she was stunned. “You could do this and that if you did not have that big, two story house.”

And then, “We like your house. Are you interested in selling?”

After praying for a few days, Patricia called the couple who wrote the letter and invited them to come see the house on the inside. As the couple came in, the man told them that he was the pastor of a local church. As Patricia heard him identify himself, she thought, “Oh God, You are in this! We are really going to be moving!”

The couple planned on putting their current home on the market in the spring. Staying in touch and often praying together, Patricia and Max told them that they would need written proof that their home was under contract before they could make an offer on a new home. More prayer was needed.

After meeting the couple, the Longs drove to Florida for a couple of weeks. They asked the Lord where they should move after selling their home. Because they felt they heard Alabama, Patricia and Max started home a day early so they could stop and look at homes in Alabama. Because their home was not sold, they could not make an offer on any home in Alabama. They even checked out places in Tennessee because a guest pastor who had preached at their home church mentioned he was starting a new church in Tennessee.

Much to their surprise, four days after visiting Tennessee, devastating tornadoes damaged many homes. So much destruction had occurred that they were told that it could take up to two years for the housing market to recover. Still questioning as to what they were to do and where they were to go, they heard, “What was the last direction you heard?” Alabama.

Feeling that they were on a Kingdom assignment, they again turned their attention toward northern Alabama. They were one hour into a 3 ½ hour journey to visit Alabama again, when Patricia’s cell phone rang. It was the pastor who had left the letter in the mailbox several months ago. They were ready to make an offer on the Long’s two story home in Kentucky.

Once they were back in Kentucky, they had a signed offer on their home and so they set out for another trip to Alabama, this time stopping in Huntsville, Alabama. They told their story to everyone they met of why they were looking in Huntsville.

Unbeknown to them, the agent they had chosen in Huntsville began to tell them about the firm she worked for. It was owned by a Christian who believed in treating people right. Because he had been on a mission trip in Central America to help build homes for those without homes, he pledged to build a new home in Central America every time his firm sold 100 houses which they now do almost monthly.

As Patricia began to write a specific list of things she wanted in her new home, she felt presumptuous until she remembered what Graham Cooke taught us in Aglow. Take your favor out for a spin! God is a Good Father who loves to give His kids good gifts. Their offer was accepted on a new construction home in a country setting development a few miles southeast of Huntsville. Patricia has also become a member of the Huntsville Lighthouse as the VP of Administration.

No matter where you are on your journey with the Lord, it is never too late to involve Him and to ask Him what His best plan is for you. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Acts 17:26 says, From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

God not only knows your name, He knew WHEN you would be born, down to the very street you would live on. Our God is a very intentional God. You see that in Patricia and Max Long’s journey from one home in Kentucky to their new home in Gurley, AL.

Practical Applications

In 2006, a prophetic word was given to Aglow that there would be an Aglow group in every city, town, and village in every nation of the world. Your Aglow group is a part of the fulfillment of that word! Congratulations!

No matter your nation, no matter your town, city, or village, our Faithful God has a specific plan. He knew where you would live today and He placed you there with great purpose just like He did with Patricia and Max Long. He intended from the beginning that there would be an Aglow group in every community around the world. Your group is His gift to your community! And you, each one of you, is a piece of that gift.