Jesus' Characteristics

Further Your Understanding of Who Our Savior Is

The Blood of Jesus

Introduction: The blood of Jesus!  We talk about it.  We sing about it.  We use the words in our affirmations and in our prayers.  But do we really understand why these precious words have such an important place in the Christian faith? Picture with me a scene in ancient Egypt.  As heavy darkness falls, Israelite…

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The Body of Christ

Introduction: What is the Body of Christ?  Is it the same thing as the Church?  Perhaps this very simple definition will help to explain it.  The Body of Christ consists of believers in all denominations from every area and race of the world who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. The Christian…

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The Crucifixion Part I

Introduction: The culmination of Jesus’ earthly life and ministry and His sacrifice for the world’s salvation was His crucifixion.  This study looks at the practice of crucifixion and the events leading to and following Jesus’ death. Although the cruel, inhumane practice of crucifixion is generally regarded as a Roman invention, there is evidence that it…

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The Crucifixion Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we noted the growing popularity of Jesus on the part of the crowds that followed Him.  At the same time, this was happening; the chief priests and teachers were plotting His death. Downloadable PDF

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Why Jesus is the Only Way

Why Jesus is the Only Way Part I

Introduction: Perhaps you’ve heard people, even Christians, say, “There is no one way to God.  It doesn’t matter whether you believe in Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or someone else-they can all lead you to God and life after death.”  Perhaps you believe that yourself.  While this idea sounds very enlightened, there’s a big problem with it. …

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Why Jesus is the Only Way

Why Jesus is the Only Way Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study we looked at some of the reasons why Jesus is the only way to eternal life.  We continue by looking at more of the benefits we received by Jesus’ death. Downloadable PDF

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