Jesus' Characteristics

Further Your Understanding of Who Our Savior Is


I Am the True Vine Part I

Introduction: In previous studies we have studied three of Jesus’ “I Am’s” which He used to describe Himself: I Am, I Am the Bread of Life, and I Am the Good Shepherd. In this study we will look at Jesus as the True Vine, which produces spiritual fruit. In addition to the related scriptures, I…

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I Am the True Vine Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study, we looked at what the Bible has to say about spiritual fruit.  Now we look at pruning, the process by which our Gardener ensures a larger crop. All fruit trees must be pruned.  Before we can actually bear fruit, we need to turn our attention to another…

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Statue of Jesus

Jesus Christ, Son of God

Introduction: Who was Jesus?  Is He just a name to you?  Was He an actual person or are accounts of Him only myths or fanciful tales?  Was He just a great teacher?  An ordinary human being?  Or don’t you know what you believe? Perhaps you think that what you believe about Jesus really doesn’t make…

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Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone - Part 2

Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone Part I

Introduction: “These (Jesus miraculous signs) are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” John 20:31 Is Jesus a Savior for everyone or is He only for a few select believers?  Unfortunately, some people believe He is a…

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Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone - Part 2

Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone Part II

Introduction: When God was planning Jesus’ ancestry, it would have made sense to give Him a royal lineage that would impress the world since He was coming to save the whole world.  Instead He chose the most ignoble ancestry possible–one that anyone, even the gravest sinner could identify with. Let’s take a look at some…

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Jesus: I Am the Bread of Life Part I

Introduction: Jesus used many different analogies to describe Himself.  The Apostle John is the writer who is best known for using these analogies.  In his gospel, we find the seven “I AM’s”:  I AM; the bread of life; the light of the world; the good shepherd; the true vine; the resurrection and the life; and…

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Jesus: I Am the Bread of Life Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at the significance of the name I AM, the name the Jews recognized as God’s name and the name Jesus used to identify Himself as being God.  In this part of the study we will look at a second name, the Bread of Life. Bread…

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Jesus: Our Re-Creator God Part I

Introduction: Although scientists and other religions have complex theories about the creation of the world, the Bible explains it succinctly.  In this study, we’re going to ask you to use your imagination to see how Jesus recreates us after He saves us. Downloadable PDF

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Jesus: Our Re-Creator God Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at people who had given themselves to sinful behavior.  All of the people Jesus touched were not “notorious sinners.”  In this half of the study we will look at others whom Jesus “re-created.” Downloadable PDF

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Resurrection Part I

Introduction: Why is the resurrection of such prime importance in the Christian faith?  Why is Easter our most important Christian holiday, even more important than Christmas. Before we can answer this question, we need to take a brief look at the events immediately following Jesus crucifixion. Downloadable PDF

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Resurrection Part II

Introduction: Now, we are ready to answer the question: Why is the resurrection so important to the Christian faith? In this part we will also look at the differences between the earthly and the resurrected bodies, as well as the future state of both the Christian and the non-Christian Paul answered these and other questions…

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Somebody Special

Somebody Special: Part 3 – Jesus, the Son of God

Introduction: Jesus is God’s Son, but God loves us so much He sent Him to save the world – that’s me, that’s you, and everyone else.  God didn’t create us and then abandon us to sink or swim.  He involves Himself in our lives as much as we let Him. I used to think of…

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