
Discover What the Bible Say About Who You Are in Christ

Who We Are In Christ

Who We Are In Christ Part II

Introduction: In part 1 of Who We Are in Christ, we learned some of the wonderful benefits that are the heritage of those who are in Christ – how God rescues us from the power of Satan, redeems, justifies, and makes us holy.  We also learned of His great love for us, how He made…

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Why Should We Speak in Tongues Part I

Introduction: “Why should we speak in tongues? It sounds like a lot of gibberish to me.”  When Tim Sheets asked God, “Why tongues?” The Lord replied that it is about the dominion mandate in Genesis 1:26. Isaiah 55:11 says, So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My mouth; it shall not return…

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Why Should We Speak in Tongues Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study we looked at many of the reasons why God has given us the gift of tongues.  In this part we continue our study. Downloadable PDF

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Why We Must Be Born Again

Why We Must Be Born Again Part I

Introduction: If you know any Christians, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the phrase, “You must be born again.” But just what does being “born again” mean?  And why do Christians insist that it is essential to anyone seeking eternal life? First, let’s look at its meaning.  Some people try to make a distinction between being a…

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Why We Must Be Born Again

Why We Must be Born Again Part II

Introduction: In the first half of this study, we looked at the difference between the birth of the flesh and the birth of the spirit. In this part we will explore God’s solution for the spiritual birth. Downloadable PDF

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