
Discover What the Bible Say About Who You Are in Christ

handcuffs flying off

Freedom From Worry and Anxiety Part I

Introduction: “Do not be anxious about anything” (Phil. 4:6).  What do you worry about?  Money?  Poor health?  Growing old?  Offending someone?  The future?  All of us worry, and all of us have times of anxiety, even fear.  But few human characteristics are more destructive to us personally.  Worry keeps us from living the full life…

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handcuffs flying off

Freedom From Worry and Anxiety Part II

Introduction: The human race is filled with worried, anxious people.  How can this be when Jesus promised that a worry-free life can be ours? In Part 1 of this study, Freedom from Anxiety and Worry-Part 1, we looked at some of the reason the human race is plagued with worry and anxiety.  In this second…

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Friendship With God

Introduction: Friendship is one of our most beautiful and intimate relationships. Only with a friend can we share our lives, our hopes, and our joys. In the past, when people tended to live in one place for long periods of time, they placed a high value on friendship. Today, however, it is often difficult to…

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God’s Love for Women Part I

Introduction: God is no respecter of persons and He values women every bit as much as He does men.  If we will carefully search Scripture, we find that regardless of culture, social or economic conditions, God is constantly revealing His love and concern for women. Jesus was a tradition breaker.  And in no place did…

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God’s Love for Women Part II

Introduction: In our first lesson, we saw how God’s choice of women is an indication of the importance He places on them. Many of us have difficulty in fully accepting Jesus’ love.  In this lesson, to help us more clearly understand Jesus’ ministry, we will begin to look more closely at His attitude towards different…

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God’s Love for Women Part III

Introduction: In this lesson we will see Jesus’ compassion as He related to people, particularly women who were sick, both physically and emotionally. Downloadable PDF

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God’s Love for Women Part IV

Introduction: Wherever Jesus went, we find Him meeting the needs of people, compassionately and without condemnation.  Many of them were women.  In this lesson we’re going to see how Jesus related to the very special needs of mothers. Downloadable PDF

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God’s Love for Women Part V

Introduction: Throughout the ages, society in general has given very little place or status for women who are not under the protection of a husband, son or other male relative.  God, however, has mercy, and He always incorporated provision into His law for their care. Downloadable PDF

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Our Authority in Christ Part I

Introduction: To understand what the Bible means when it speaks of our authority in Christ, it is necessary for us to fully understand who Christ is, who He was before He was born on earth, what His sacrificial death accomplished, and what He is doing today. Christ’s existence did not begin on earth.  Let’s see…

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Our Authority in Christ Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at several aspects of Jesus’ authority.  In this second half, we will look at the principle of delegated authority and how it applies to us. Power and Authority We need to make a distinction between power and authority.  Some translations, in particular the King James…

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Our Spiritual Weapons and Armor Part I

Introduction: As Christians we are engaged in a war more insidious than World War l and ll, the Korean War, Vietnam, and our war with Iraq.  While those mentioned are physical wars, ours is a spiritual war between Jesus Christ and His armies and that of our arch-enemy Satan and his hordes. No knowledgeable commander…

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Our Spiritual Weapons and Armor Part II

Introduction: In the first section of this study, we began to look at the armor and weapons the Christian soldier’s commander equips him with.  So far we have established that we are engaged in a spiritual war, and we have looked at the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the gospel of peace. …

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