God’s Got You

In these times of upheaval and uncertainty, our lives can feel like we're on a roller coaster. Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us it's all in His control. Be at rest, be at peace...He's got you.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Because we are human, it can be easy to grasp tightly to things we cannot control. But this can lead to unnecessary worry and anxiety in our life, when Jesus promises us a life of peace and hope.

  • What are some areas of your life that need to be fully surrendered and submitted to God, knowing that He will take care of it?
  • How has your perspective of a situation changed after surrendering it to God?


I don't know why but my thought pattern goes back to a time in my life when my oldest son was so struggling with - now I can see it was real hurt and pain, in his life that was being acted out through behavior that was troublesome to me, and I felt so helpless. He was a grown guy by then, and I can remember (I’m sure I've told you this before) but I I would pray, I would intercede, I would do that kind of thing, but one day I felt like the intercession was so heavy in me, like in my midsection I felt like I had to give expression to this. I know it sounds weird, but I found myself prostrate on the floor face down, and all that would come forthwith from me were like groans of intercession, but I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I don't want to dramatize that but from that time, which goes back several years from that time, I have felt it's like something lifted of human effort, of fear, of concern that some somehow I could do something to make everything better. And the truth is none of us can. It's the power of the Holy Spirit within us by a word we speak, by prayers we pray. 

I think we sometimes can underestimate the power of prayer. I think of Sid Roth's program yesterday, and he was speaking about prayer. And speaking along this line and he was saying, “pray in the Holy Spirit pray in tongues let it come forth”. I think we can sometimes, not discount, but we know we’re filled with the spirit, but we don't let the manifestation of that come forth. It's a feeling of peace and knowing that everything is in his control. Everything in the world - what you hear politically, economically, just the things that are currently stirring. 

We thank you that you came with a plan to turn us from the steps of human help, human behavior, human works ,to a place of trust and rest because truly jesus paid it all, did it all. We embrace that today fully. Thank you, Jesus; thank you, Father; Thank You, Holy Spirit; for your work in our lives - always present, always there to embrace,  always there to comfort, you’re the comforter.

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