God's Characteristics

Further Your Understanding of Who God Truly Is

God’s Gift of Salvation

God’s Gift of Salvation

Introduction: Do you believe that God doesn’t care about you? That He’s indifferent to your concerns, your hopes, and your dreams? That He really doesn’t care what happens to you?  Many years ago in another country, there lived a woman whose story is recorded in the Bible. This is what it says. The Scripture:  John…

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God, Our Heavenly Fatehr

God, Our Heavenly Father Part 1

Introduction: The idea is too complex for our infinite minds, but as hard to understand as it sounds, the Bible presents God as three distinct Personalities – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus is known to most Christians as our Savior and all that implies, and the Holy Spirit* as encouraging and self-effacing.  However, too…

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God, Our Heavenly Fatehr

God, Our Heavenly Father Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at some of the characteristics of the Father and His relationship to Jesus and us.  In this part we will continue examining what the Bible says. Jesus said that anyone who knows the Son knows the Father, that, in fact, they are One. Consequently, any…

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Joy of the Lord Part I

Introduction: When I was young, I thought God was very serious.  But as I have grown older, I have become more and more aware that He is a joyful God.  Not only is His heart filled with joy, He wants us to experience that same quality in our heart. There are nearly 500 references to…

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Joy of the Lord Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at both the characteristics of joy and what hinders us from obtaining it.  In this half, we want to see why God encourages us to have faith and is grieved by our grumbling and complaining. Complaining Indicates Self-Pity When we fuss about a situation, we…

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Names of God Part I

Introduction: As we study the Bible, we become aware of the importance of names and their meaning in the ancient East.  In that culture, the giving of a name had particular significance and people were frequently named or renamed for a characteristic or capacity the name wanted them to have.  Thus, Abram (high father) became…

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Names of God Part II

Introduction: We have already seen many of the faces of God.  We have seen Him as Creator, as a faithful God who wants His creation to love Him, as the God who is sufficient, and as a God of provision.  We continue our study in Part 2. Downloadable PDF

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Names of God Part III

Introduction: God has given us a revelation of Himself through His many names. Today we continue that study. Downloadable PDF

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Our Compassionate God and Savior Part I

Introduction: The powerful of the world are not usually known for their compassion. Rather, they often use their power to oppress their subjects, sometimes in cruel and inhumane ways. Jesus, however, stands in stark contrast to those who have come before and after Him. Coming humbly, as a servant, he reached out in mercy, gentleness,…

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Our Compassionate God and Savior Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study on Jesus’ compassion we looked at many healings and acts of mercy He performed.  In this part, we will continue that study. Downloadable PDF

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Priorities of God

Introduction: There are great rewards in following God’s commands, but most of His promises are conditional.  Before we can receive the great rewards offered, we must first obey the conditions.  No more is this more apparent than in this scripture from Matthew. Downloadable PDF

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Promises of God Part I

Introduction: Do you sometimes feel that living the Christian life is too hard?  That Satan and the forces of evil have the upper hand?  That as much as you try, you aren’t growing in the Lord and becoming more like Him?  If this sounds like you, there’s good news.  God didn’t command us to live…

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