
Welcome to GameChangers

Welcome to GameChangers – an effective personal development program crafted to change your game and the game of those around you!

With this course, you are beginning an electrifying journey that explores five distinct messages first taught by Graham Cooke the summer of 2013 to a hand-selected pilot group of the Aglow family. GameChangers is designed to generate momentum within each individual that exposes and eradicates negativity, re-frames ways of thinking, and creates a new language that flows from the Fruit of the Spirit.

Two Ways to Process
This material is designed to be processed in one of two ways – individually or in a small group setting. Either way you choose, we know you will be pleased with the results as you begin to experience seeing, thinking, and speaking from a new exciting point of view – Heaven’s!

You will be excited to see that we have prepared a handout to help you as you facilitate a processing group. We suggest that you show the video of a session in 1 or 2 different settings with time for discussion and then further processing between meetings.

Expect to be Changed
We encourage you to take time with each message and explore the richness of the truth within. Marinate. Meditate. Ask God to open your eyes to discover who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you. Expect to be blessed. Expect to be changed. Expect to see new truths in familiar passages of scripture. Expect others to want what you have!

Following each session is a set of questions designed specifically to help you engage with the truths you’ve experienced. There are no wrong answers! Think of your response as a mile marker that simply shows where you were on a particular day on your journey of exploration. Come back in six months and look at your answers and you will be pleased to know that your experiences are not stagnate, but ever-living and growing while conforming you into the image of Christ.

You will have encounters with truth that will cause you to process further. That processing will lead you to new encounters. Love the learning! Celebrate along the way as you discover the fullness of who God wants to be for you in every situation you face. Enjoy His Majesty. Bask in His Love.

Enjoy your journey!

Getting Started

If you purchased a manual from the Aglow Store and just want to watch the videos, click here. If you want to go through the course online, either alone or as part of a processing group, click here. Either way, you'll enjoy the process.

Buy the Manual

Printed manuals are available on the Aglow Store. Click here to purchase.