Fireside Chats Index

A Full Listing of Our Fireside Chats

1-Fireside Chat Guidelines

The Importance of GameChanging Truths for Fireside Chats God has built a new breed of leader in Aglow through the intentional messages we have been hearing. We are leaders positioned…

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A New Wineskin

Anna, the prophetess mentioned in Luke 2:36-38, was a unique and unusual woman for her time. First, she was called a prophet/prophetess, the only named female prophet in the New…

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Air Supremacy

In the first half of 1967, Egypt and other Arab nations surrounding Israel began making threatening moves against the vastly outnumbered Israeli military. Their aggressive moves reached a head in…

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Army and Family

Mark* shook his head slowly as he finished recounting a story of a time he had narrowly escaped death while on duty in Iraq. “My buddies saved me. They could…

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Ask Again

In High School, I had two friends who repeatedly invited me to church. I always said, “No.” We graduated and went to college. One of the friends invited me to…

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Bloom Where You Are Planted

As Patricia Long drove into her neighborhood before Christmas, she heard these words, “You could do this and that if you did not have that big, two story house.” Much…

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Come Forth as Gold

Shelley Rogers, National Prayer Coordinator for Aglow Canada, recently enjoyed a day with her three year old grandson, spending time playing with him in the backyard sandbox. Shelley hid three…

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Forgetting And Pressing

She stirred lemon into her tea and flashed a brilliant smile. “If I told you how many times I have failed in HUGE ways, you might be surprised!” This was…

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Go Ye Into All the World

The Herrnhut community in Germany was a passionate part of the Moravian Church, known for their dynamic missionary zeal. In 1727, they began continuous intercession that lasted, unbroken, for 100…

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Goodness and Kindness are Inseparable

My husband had already left for work and my daughter was in town at practice. I had food in the oven just minutes away from being done when I stepped…

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Grace at the Grocery Store

All the checkout lines at the grocery store were long, so I pulled my cart into one that looked like it might move a bit quicker. As often seems to…

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In Life Together

A mouse looked through a crack in the wall as the farmer and his wife opened a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover…

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Israel, Our Spiritual Home

I was invited to be a guest speaker for a fall brunch held at a church in a neighboring state. After being welcomed by my hostess I joined a group…

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Jael: An Ordinary Woman of Radical Boldness

I love to think about Jael. She was an ordinary woman, more known for whose wife (Heber the Kenite) she was than for anything else. She did not live in…

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Kitchen Duty is a Good Thing

It took me 5 years of having kitchen duty to discover that it was not a sentence for doing something wrong. In fact, I discovered that it is actually an…

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Let’s Get a New Thought

This morning I made a visit to the dentist for a filling. It was early. I was cold. I did not want the shot to deaden my mouth. The sound…

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Living from Heaven’s Economy

I watched two young boys at the movie theater the other day. They were probably six to eight years old and were thrilled their dad had given them money for…

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Many Parts, One Body

Recently Gayle Rouse, an Aglow leader in Canada, was asking the Lord to show her how He sees Aglow in this new season. Much to her surprise, He encouraged her…

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Me? A Leader?

I never used to see myself as a leader. In fact, it made me uncomfortable when others referred to me as one. I came into Aglow leadership at the Lighthouse…

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Partnering Intentionally

I remember the first prophetic word spoken over me when I was newly baptized in the Holy Spirit. It made me feel warm and excited on the inside, and I…

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Power of the Tongue: Life or Death

As I sat in the crowded waiting room of the Doctor’s office, I suddenly became aware of someone calling out. “Ma’am, maaa’aaamm!” As I looked around, I noticed an older…

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Primary Focus

After I had been serving as an Area Team President for a while, I felt I needed to go back and analyze our meeting agendas to see where our focus…

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Purpose is in the Process

One day, I was out planting bluebonnet seeds. It was a blustery autumn day, 43 degrees with wind gusts up to 35 mph and it was drizzling. It did not…

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Relationship: The Best Gift

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class, Kyle, walking home from school. It looked like he was carrying all of…

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Rivers of Living Water

Occasionally, some of us who print things at the Aglow Headquarters office are challenged. I am because I let it challenge my patience. I push all the buttons and really…

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Rocky Lost, Grace Found

In the third teaching of LifeChangers, Understanding True Grace, Graham Cooke makes this statement about Grace, “If Grace is designed to overwhelm you, then it is designed to overwhelm everything…

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Salt and Light

An amazing thing happened as I walked to my house after being dropped off at the mailbox. I saw my neighbor who has the same house number as me, but…

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Say It Out Loud

Her tidy white bun shook at the top of her head as she nodded vigorously punctuating her agreement with what the speaker was sharing. She sat at the back of…

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Seeing As Heaven Sees

I sighed. We were in church, praise and worship was set to begin, and instead of being joyful at lavishing worship on our King, all I could think of was…

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Strength in the Storm

My husband’s words brought comfort to my heart. “Don’t worry, Honey. God is on my side, and He’s my Healer. I’m going to be just fine.” He had been admitted…

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Sweet Pocket of Grace

Many of us awaited our turn at the Post Office counter. The man currently at the window made no secret of his displeasure with the clerk, by his tone and…

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Take Heart

This is an excerpt from Watchman Nee’s book, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. “When God repeated to Abraham that his wife Sarah would bring forth a son, he…

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The BIG Picture

A basketball zipped past my head and Tim Duncan himself came over to retrieve it. My husband laughed as I was rendered speechless for once. He had gotten us wonderful…

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The Lighthouse: A Gift Of God To Your Community

From one man He made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they…

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The Perfect Gift

A friend reminisced about her dad who worked many hours every day at hard, manual labor. There was never much money and there were many mouths to feed in their…

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The Power Of God’s Love

Greg was about 8 years old and I only saw him that week of Vacation Bible School, but that one week of encounters was enough to make an indelible imprint…

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Time To Be Born Again, Again

Nine week old Gus, our new puppy, whimpered in my lap. He and our older dog had been vigorously playing and the older dog had nipped the pup’s tail a…

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We Are People of Obedience

 “Arise! And go……” Jonah 1:2 A couple of years ago, I met a Christian woman who was originally from Nineveh, which is now in Northern Iraq. It caused me to…

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What You Focus On You Empower

Many years ago when I first came onto the Area Team, I visited a Lighthouse and was pleased to meet the women in leadership. One by one, though, each pulled…

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When the Spirit of Quit Comes Knocking

She dabbed her eyes with a tissue as she handed me a piece of paper. “I am sorry, but I have too much going on and I am going to…

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