Expect the Favor of God

Even as the things of the world are being stirred, Jane Hansen Hoyt reminds us that Jesus came to save us and we have nothing to fear. Listen as she encourages us to, Expect the Favor of God!

Psalm 5:11-12
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. 

We aren't promised a life that's easy, but we are promised that God will help us through hard times if we keep our eyes fixed on Him. Leaning into the Lord, in the good times and bad times, strengthens our faith for when we do face the trials of this world.

  • How is God be preparing you for what may be to come?
  • How have you experienced his favor and strength in this season, or recently?



You know when you think about the times in which we life - and I’ve referenced that several times now on these videos that I have done, but we are living in a strange time. And the atmosphere is different, have you felt that? So, living in those times as believers, we look for Scriptures that will soothe us, comfort us, encourage us, lift us up, give us strength - Scriptures that will help us keep our focus. I remember saying to someone on Facebook last night - they were talking about “well, we need to keep our hand in the plough” and “we need to do this”. And at the end of the line of Facebook entries, I just wrote “I’ve never lost my focus”. That’s where we live: focused on Jesus. So when things come, we’re not all stirred up, we’re not thrown off guard. We live in alignment with heaven, therefore our foundation is sure, our life is sure. We have peace. We know the Redeemer. He came to save you once, that He might save you day after day, after day. He will save you every day until you go home to be with Jesus. We have nothing to fear. That is the truth. And you know, in the Word, particularly in Matthew 24, Jesus speaks about wars, and rumors of wars, and things that will be stirred, and could be coming against us in the days ahead. I’ve been reading of horrific instances taking place in Nigeria. I pray for those people, I gasp as I read. I think initially, “oh God, how can these people live with this?” But that gasp is immediately followed by, “but they’re in your presence, and they’re in your care, and they have been prepared for this moment”. We’re being prepared for this moment, as well. I’m not saying “expect gruesome things”, I’m just saying “expect the favor of God”. Expect the blessing of God. Live under his anointing and his covering and you will walk in a peace that passes the understanding. God bless you today. 

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