Count on His Redemption

Are there things in your life creating feelings of uncertainty; things that cause questions to arise in your heart? Listen as Aglow President & CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt assures us that when we see destruction, we can “Count on His Redemption.”

2 Chronicles 7:14
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

Jesus promises that He will redeem our situations and come through for us. We must be faithful to Him and trust that He will do what He promised.

  • What are some promises you are waiting for God to fulfill and redeem in your life?
  • How have you counted on God before and seen Him come through for you?



Just in the past couple of weeks, a family situation arose and my son, Jeff - many of you prayed for him actually, just had a situation that needed the touch of God. And a scripture that I prayed years ago for Jeff had been brought to my mind. Not that day the day before, I went home and read Psalm 103. Let me just share a couple of verses with you that maybe will encourage your heart today. If you're going through something that seems difficult, it he talks about redeeming your life from destruction. That's who he is. He's the redeemer, and when you see destruction and you read these words, you think “well this situation and redemption don't look like they're going together”, but he's saying, no i'm telling you ahead of time, that when you see destruction, count on my redemption. Let me read it again. “He redeems our life from destruction and he crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies because that's who he is. He's a merciful God. He sits on the mercy seat”. His heart is to extend mercy as far and wide as we can imagine, and his mercy is covering your situation. Call upon it, call upon the name of Jesus. Call upon the mercy of Jesus. You don't even have to do it out loud in front of someone, if you think they would just be thrown off guard by that. Maybe it's not a believer, but you call on the mercy of Jesus Christ because his heart is overflowing with mercy. 

Let me read two more verses. “The Lord has established his throne in heaven”. He has established, he's not messing around. It's established, it’s there, it's a finished work. He's established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over what most things, well the word says, he rules over all. Apply that to your life day. Apply it to the world situation, apply it to anything that causes uncertainty or questions to rise in your heart. He rules over all. It's in his hands with the moving of his hand. With one word, it can change. He rules over all. “So bless the Lord all you his angels who excel in strength, who do his word. Do you ever go to sleep at night calling on the angels to be busy through the night, doing the work of the Lord in your home, in your heart, in your job, in your life. You can do it. It says it right here “Bless the Lord you his angels, who excel in strength, who do his word, redeeming the voice of his word. Let us bless the Lord all you his hosts, his ministers who do his pleasure. Read Psalm 103 verses 19 through 21 and you'll see that there is a ministering host of angels, who've been assigned to do the work of the Lord. Call upon them to be busy about the things in your life that concern you. I believe that God's plan for your life cannot be thwarted, it cannot be hindered. His angels are ministering his purpose over your life, so call upon them to continue to bring forth what God has for you and your household. God bless you today. 

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