Bible Studies

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105

Names of God Part III

Introduction: God has given us a revelation of Himself through His many names. Today we continue that study. Downloadable PDF

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Our Authority in Christ Part I

Introduction: To understand what the Bible means when it speaks of our authority in Christ, it is necessary for us to fully understand…

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Our Authority in Christ Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at several aspects of Jesus’ authority.  In this second half, we will look…

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Our Compassionate God and Savior Part I

Introduction: The powerful of the world are not usually known for their compassion. Rather, they often use their power to oppress their subjects,…

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Our Compassionate God and Savior Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study on Jesus’ compassion we looked at many healings and acts of mercy He performed.  In…

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Our Spiritual Weapons and Armor Part I

Introduction: As Christians we are engaged in a war more insidious than World War l and ll, the Korean War, Vietnam, and our…

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Our Spiritual Weapons and Armor Part II

Introduction: In the first section of this study, we began to look at the armor and weapons the Christian soldier’s commander equips him…

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Introduction: Three feast days were of prime importance to the Israelites:  The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover), which celebrated their deliverance from Egypt,…

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Praise and Worship

Introduction: Picture with me the throne room of God as described in the book of Revelation by the Apostle John.  Around the throne…

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Introduction: Like the disciples, we, too, need help and encouragement to be effective men and women of prayer.  And just as the Lord…

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Pride Part I

Introduction: Pride!  God has declared Himself to be a jealous God who will not tolerate our worship of any other gods.  Yet prideful…

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Pride Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study on pride, we concentrated on its ugliness and God’s attitude toward it.  In this next…

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