Bible Studies

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105


Iraq in the Bible Part I

Introduction: Consider two things.  First, next to Israel, Iraq is the nation most often mentioned in the Bible.  Second, today’s newspapers are filled…

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Iraq in the Bible Part II

Introduction: Let’s pick up where we left off in the first part of this study. If my arithmetic is right, approximately 400 years…

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Statue of Jesus

Jesus Christ, Son of God

Introduction: Who was Jesus?  Is He just a name to you?  Was He an actual person or are accounts of Him only myths…

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Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone - Part 2

Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone Part I

Introduction: “These (Jesus miraculous signs) are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by…

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Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone - Part 2

Jesus Christ: A Savior for Everyone Part II

Introduction: When God was planning Jesus’ ancestry, it would have made sense to give Him a royal lineage that would impress the world…

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Jesus: I Am the Bread of Life Part I

Introduction: Jesus used many different analogies to describe Himself.  The Apostle John is the writer who is best known for using these analogies. …

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Jesus: I Am the Bread of Life Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at the significance of the name I AM, the name the Jews recognized…

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Jesus: Our Re-Creator God Part I

Introduction: Although scientists and other religions have complex theories about the creation of the world, the Bible explains it succinctly.  In this study,…

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Jesus: Our Re-Creator God Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at people who had given themselves to sinful behavior.  All of the people…

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John the Baptist

Introduction: In earlier times the coming of royalty to an area was preceded by a herald (from the Greek word keryt, crier), announcing…

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Joy of the Lord Part I

Introduction: When I was young, I thought God was very serious.  But as I have grown older, I have become more and more…

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Joy of the Lord Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, we looked at both the characteristics of joy and what hinders us from obtaining it. …

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