Bible Studies

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105


Angels Part I

Introduction: We live in a time when people, both Christians and non Christians, are fascinated by angels.  Walk down the street of any…

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Angels Part II

Introduction: In the first half of this study, we learned that angels are ministering servants to God’s people.  We saw them protecting and…

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Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Introduction: As a Christian, have you ever wished for more spiritual power in your life?  More power to resist sin?  More power to…

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End Times

End Times

Introduction: Wars and rumors of war!  Pestilence and famines!  Multiple earthquakes!  False prophets!  Does this sound like the times we’re living in?  Is…

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Esther Part I

Introduction: Only two books in the Bible – Esther and Ruth – are named for women.  These inspiring books tell the stories of…

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Esther Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, Esther-Part 1, we learned how Esther became queen of the most powerful ruler of this…

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Faith Part I

Introduction: God has chosen to make faith one of the foundation stones of our relationship with Him.  But how much do we truly…

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Faith Part II

Introduction: In the first part of our study, Faith-Part 1, we learned that our faith is so important to God that He has…

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man praying

Fasting Part I

Introduction: Although its meaning has been broadened in modern times, to fast has traditionally meant to abstain from all or certain foods.  In…

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man praying

Fasting Part II

Introduction: In the first part of this study, Fasting-Part 1, we looked at the history of fasting in the Bible and discussed some…

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Introduction: Is it wrong to hold a grudge?  To refuse forgiveness to someone who’s wronged you? Do we have to keep on giving…

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handcuffs flying off

Freedom From Worry and Anxiety Part I

Introduction: “Do not be anxious about anything” (Phil. 4:6).  What do you worry about?  Money?  Poor health?  Growing old?  Offending someone?  The future? …

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